Pre-AP Name Change

Lovejoy ISD implemented Pre-AP courses over a decade ago. The District has had tremendous success in preparing students for advanced coursework in Lovejoy and post-secondary experiences. 

The College Board (developers of Pre-AP) recently announced that school districts using the Pre-AP course name designation must purchase a new set of curriculum and overlays through the College Board in order to continue bearing the Pre-AP label. 

Lovejoy has great academic success with the current curriculum and instructional model. In 2019, Lovejoy ISD honored 306 students with 350 AP Scholar Awards, including 27 National AP Scholars. The District has earned the coveted distinction of AP Honor Roll, highlighting equity and excellence across the board. Time and again, the quality of Lovejoy’s curriculum has been noted. 

After a careful review of the materials, costs associated with purchasing the official Pre-AP branding, and our continued academic success with the current curriculum, Lovejoy ISD will designate courses as Advanced in lieu of Pre-AP for courses in grades 6 and up beginning with the 2020-2021 school year. 

There are no impacts to the current curriculum, GPA, or course offerings. AP (Advanced Placement) courses will continue to be offered in Lovejoy ISD. 

Lovejoy ISD will continue to provide academic experiences that are second to none.